CrowdStrike, The Company Responsible For Last Week's Microsoft Computer Crashes, Is Offering An Apology To Its Clients In The Form Of A $10 UberEats Gift Card

So by now everyone has heard of the crash last week that caused millions of computers around the world to crash and caused legitimate chaos around the planet:

One of our social media guys said he was awake around 3 in the morning when stuff started breaking and he made sure to charge up all his devices, ran to his nearest bodega and bought out all the waters and ramen, and prepared for literal doomsday. Some would say he's smart, and others would say he's a madman.

So how does CrowdStrike respond to what was likely an intern pressing the wrong button messing around in the backend? By offering a gift card for $10 to get some food while you wait for your system to come back that's costing millions in damages. I'm just going to assume that everyone else is in the same boat as New York City and $10 won't even get you the bread in a sandwich. Thanks CrowdStrike. And besides, what company would offer a measly dollar amount in a gift card to respond to a PR crisis? Not Barstool, that's for sure.

Also, not sure if it's been mentioned yet, but the fact that we stayed in tact and nothing broke during that fiasco is a miracle in itself. Maybe All Business Pete really is cooking. 

P.S. This tweet will be etched in the record books when it's all said and done:

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